


General commands

This tab contains all the description of all data you want to extract. Each line corresponds to one AT Internet Data Query, built with ATI Data Query Designer, or copied from XTag AT Internet.



1.      If you have a Data Query URL copied in the clipboard, or if you want to build a new one, click on Import:

2.      Click on    Paste    to add the Data Query URL you have in the clipboard: it is shortened to keep only its parameters.
If you don’t have any, click on    Designer    to open Data Query Designer and build a new one. Once done, copy its URL:
Then go back to
XTractor and click on    Paste   .

3.      Select All Results (loop until last page) if you want to iterate on all pages (not only the top X specified in the query as page size, knowing that default page size in Data Query Designer is 50).

4.      Click on    OK   : Data Query is added to the list with default Result File name

5.      Adjust this name to give it a more understandable meaning.

Repeat 1-5 for each Data Query.



Select an existing Data Query and click on Edit to change it, or to select/unselect All Results (loop until last page).


You can also click on    Copy   , if you want to get in clipboard the original Data Query (not shortened), or click on    Designer    to directly edit this one in Data Query Designer.



Result File Name

Enter the file name in which this Data Query result will be stored. Depending on Overwrite selection, it can be used as a root to ensure keeping the previous results.

If you use spaces, or characters forbidden for a file name, they will be automatically discarded to keep only those allowed.

If you want similar Queries (same columns) to be merged in the same Result File, you can reuse the same name appended with hashtag, for example #2.        
The hashtag value doesn’t matter, it must just be unique in the group reusing the same Result File Name, so you can for example use #paid, #innovation or whatever.


Enter a string that will have to match with Site Filter to allow corresponding data extraction. If let empty or *, all Sites will be extracted, whatever their own Filters.

You can enter what you want as filter, it just needs to match with some defined in the Sites Group Filter.

It’s useful when you use heterogeneous Sites Group with the Query dedicated to a subset of the group, or when your Query uses a specific segment.

Data Query

You can directly paste the Data Query URL here with the same control and shortening than Import dialog. Then, if you want to iterate all pages, just edit page_num parameter as following: page_num =*


Copyright © 2018, Denis Rousseau - XTagManager